Maximizing Your First Home Savings Account: Don’t Miss Out!!
Buying a home is an exciting milestone in every person’s life, but it can also be one of the most significant financial investments you’ll ever make. Luckily, the Canadian government has set up several programs to help you save up for your first home, and one such option is the First Home Savings Account (FHSA).
Breaking the Debt Loop for BC Homeowners
Many families in British Columbia find themselves in a debt loop that’s hard to break. They try to pay off their mortgage faster, but then they end up accruing more credit card and line of credit debt at higher rates, which undoes any progress they’ve made. If you’re in this situation, don’t despair. There is a way to break the debt cycle and regain control of your finances. In this blog post, we’ll explore some valuable tips that can help BC homeowners get out of debt and stay debt-free.
Be Your Own Banker Mortgage: Understanding Manulife One
Owning a home is a significant investment, and a mortgage is often the most significant monthly expense for homeowners. With traditional mortgages, homeowners have limited flexibility and control over their finances. However, with the Manulife One account, homeowners can be their own banker. The Manulife One account has unique features that give homeowners the ability to adapt to the ebb and flow of their finances while building wealth at their own pace. In this blog post, we'll discuss how the Manulife One account works and how it can benefit homeowners.
How Canada’s New Foreign Buyer Ban Will Address Housing Affordability in BC
Housing affordability has been a growing concern for many Canadians, particularly those living in British Columbia. With the pandemic only exacerbating the situation, the Canadian government recently took action to address this issue by implementing a two-year ban on foreign buyers. This ban, which took effect on January 1, 2023, is seen as a strategy to ensure that housing is accessible to Canadian families who want to build a life together. In this blog post, we’ll examine the specifics of this new ban and discuss how it will address the issue of housing affordability in BC.
The Versatility of the CHIP Reverse Mortgage
Retirement planning can be tricky, and it's common for homeowners to find themselves in need of extra cash to manage their financial needs. Luckily, there is a way for homeowners aged 55 and up to access up to 55% of their home's equity in tax-free cash without having to make any monthly payments. That solution is the CHIP Reverse Mortgage from HomeEquity Bank. In this blog post, we'll explore the various ways in which homeowners can use the CHIP Reverse Mortgage to meet their financial needs in retirement.
How To Run Your Financial Life Like A CEO
Do you ever wonder how successful business owners manage their personal finances? Do they handle their money differently than regular people? The answer is a resounding yes! Business owners have a different mindset when it comes to finances. They think about the big picture and how to create more wealth instead of nitpicking small details. In this blog, we’ll teach you how to run your financial life like a CEO.
What You Need to Know About Spousal Buyout
Divorce is never easy, and there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to splitting assets. One of the most significant assets for many couples is their home, and deciding what to do with it can be a significant source of stress. However, with a spousal buyout, you can buy your ex-partner's interest in the home and keep your home without the need to sell. In this post, we'll go over what you need to know about spousal buyout and how it could be the right choice for you.
Lower Your TDS And Change Your Future
Managing finances can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to debt. One major aspect that requires attention is your TDS - Total Debt Servicing, which calculates how much money is needed annually for your loan repayments and other debts. The lower your TDS, the better you can manage your finances and secure your future financially. In this blog post, we will discuss how to calculate your TDS, the ideal TDS for most families, and the benefits of lowering it to below 20%.